I was used to having the title of nanny or household manager for so long, that is truly who I thought I was. That was my identity. It wasn’t until I left that career and was no longer called a nanny that I truly realized that my identity doesn’t come just from what I do, it comes from Who I AM!!! I have a bigger purpose! We all do!

      To begin, I have always loved working with children. My degree is in Early Childhood Education and I have loved doing everything in that niche from working as a preschool teacher, being a career nanny and mentoring other parents and nannies along the way! Over the past several years I began to wake up to what it was that I was being called to do. It started with putting myself first and truly learning the value of personal growth and applying the techniques I learned into my daily life. I noticed as I did this, it wasn’t only affecting me, but I started to see how it began to change my outside world.

     Being a nanny/parent has it’s ups and downs, and honestly I could see that because of the “soul work” that I was consistently doing inside, my life was changing before my eyes! Now is that to say that everything is just “perfect”? Nope! Not at all! It’s not always butterflies and sunsets over here,  but what I am saying was that I started to be ok with not being ok all the time. I saw that I had this power inside me to change me… and the more consistent I was at changing me from the inside, I was just a happier person on the outside. I started to see how people treated me differently, I felt more gratitude for where I was and what I was doing, I started really connecting to who it is that I truly am. I started to find myself. I started to feel empowered in the decisions I was making… I could go on and on… but I won’t… not yet…

     My story continues as I committed to growing and transforming every single day. I am grateful for my journey. Long and tough it has been at times, but I am truly seeing that on the other side, and when I am in the muck of it all, it’s ME that makes the biggest difference. Not everyone else, not my nanny family, not the world around me, but me…. I am the one with the power to change.

That brings me to today! I did that hard thing and left my nanny career. I loved the career. I found so much joy in serving the families I was blessed to be with. But at this junction, when I decided to leave the nanny career it was time to choose me. To choose to do what I knew I was to be doing in my next chapter and that is being a Transformational Life Coach! I continue to serve the youth as a coach, I work with parents and nannies as a coach and I still get to do the thing I love most and that is helping others to realize their true potential and step into those shoes of becoming their best version of who they are!

Throughout my soul work journey, I have come to know and love several mentors who have brought me here today! Kirk Duncan, and Dale Halaway are a few of those teachers who have completely changed my life! I am grateful for the teachings and the techniques that they have taught me along my journey. It is through Dale Halaway’s Transcovery Process that I have learned the importance of breathing, letting go, learning to give myself more love and acceptance of who it is that I am right now, and improving that beautiful connection that I have to my body & soul. I am blessed to be on this journey. It’s been said that, the healers are still healing, and the teachers are still teaching… I am so grateful for the life that I have been blessed with to be able to continue to learn and grow as I step into the world of transformation. Taking one step at time to become the happiest version of me!


 My Why

I have always known that there was more.... more to life... more to do.... more to offer... and more to become.... That is my why! I was going through the nanny life, day in and day out, and I always knew that there was something more that I was to be doing! All along I was helping, and mentoring people here and there, and little did I know I was slowly stepping into exactly what it is that I am to be doing… and that is coaching YOU along your journey. I get you… I know where you are… I have been there…. And the best part is that I am now here to help you take the next step forward into waking up to who it is you are truly here to become! That might be the best parent, manny, nanny or just the best you! Whoever that is, I am here to guide you, to support you, and to provide a safe space for your transformation to begin!